Hey👋! I'm Luis.

A Quality Assurance Engineer based in SF Bay Area.

  • HTML HTML Icon
  • CSS CSS Icon
  • Javascript Javascript Icon
  • Node.js Node.js Icon
  • React React Icon
  • GitHub
  • WebdriverIO WebdriverIO Icon
  • Cypress Cypress Icon
  • Appium Appium Icon

Favorite Projects

Weather App

Screenshot of my weather app

App includes current temperature in Celsius, wind speed,
and humidity.
Link to Website

Score Keeper

Screenshot of scorekeeper app

Count the score of your game using this app. Goes up to 11 points.
Link to Website


Screenshot of calculator app

Simple calculator app using JS.
Link to Website

Green Energy

Screenshot of Green energy site

Green Energy Mock Website discussing the use of Solar Panels.
Link to Website

About Me

Born and raised in SF Bay Area

Coming from an immigrant family, I learned to appreciate, take initiative, and take advantage of my opportunities. By making my family proud and inspiring others alike, I enrolled in the YearUp program which led to an internship at Momentive.ai, and eventually landed a Full-Time roll as a Quality Assurance Engineer. But I didn't stop there. Every once in a while I would study and build small apps to help grow my skills. Checkout my Resume Below!